What’s in a face?  What makes us who we are? Is it our voice, our face, our hair, our clothes? What makes you famous? These questions came to mind on a recent project for Sophos

Julia in makeup chair - becoming famous

Patrick in makeup chair - becoming famous

Oyoyo in makeup chair - becoming famous

Creator Tyler McKeller came to us with the task of transforming 3 performers into 24 famous singers and put them on screen – all at the same time. Think, “We are the World,” only purposely funny.

The shoot required changing women to men, men to women, young to old, you get the idea. It was a Herculean task made possible with the skills of make-up artists, wig specialists, wardrobe stylists, and the amazing talents of Oyoyo, Juilia, and Patrick. It takes a lot to be famous.

Patrick as Celine Dion

The results were astounding, mind blowing even. Some of the transitions were so complete that capturing them in these stills seemed like voodoo.

Julia as Katy Perry

From Willie Nelson to Beyonce, Lionel Richie to Celine Dion, Pink to Bob Dylan. It was trippy to have them walk into the room full of the famous.

Now, guess the celebrity:

Oyoyo as Lionel Richie - Patrick as Bob Dylan

Julia as Willie Nielson

Julia as Gwen Stefani


Patrick as the famous Celine Dion

Patrick as the famous Pink
Oyoyo as famous Lil Wayne

     Oyoyo as famous Janet Jackson

Oyoyo or the famous Tina Turner


So much goes into creating an icon, that’s why they’re famous.

Here’s to the talented makeup, wardrobe, wig stylists who make the entertainers we love.

The famous Pitbull

You can see the final results here: We All Need I.T.

Special Thanks to Kacie Seamons (wardrobe stylist), Maika Taylor (hair stylist), Tara Starling (makeup artist), Tina Calandra (asst. makeup artist), Jill Elsworth (asst. hair stylist), Becky Swasey(asst. makeup artist), and Stephanie Blodgett (asst. wardrobe stylist).


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